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The Book Synopsis

Informed consent has long been the cornerstone of medical ethics. The traditional model of doctor-patient communication has often failed to adequately incorporate patients' values and preferences into treatment decisions. In The Paradigm Lens: Informed Consent to Shared Decision-Making, medical ethicist Steven Kahn explores the evolution of informed consent and the growing importance of shared decision-making in modern healthcare.


Kahn draws on his experience as a professor in philosophy, bioethics consultant, and nurse. Through a series of thought-provoking cases and analyses, he illustrates the challenges of implementing any patient-centered approach to healthcare. His insight is to view the patient-physician encounter as a paradigm. This strategy illuminates the roles of the physician and patient and provides a guide to accelerate research in shared decision-making.


The Paradigm Lens is an essential read for healthcare professionals, patients, policymakers, and students. It challenges us to rethink our assumptions about what it means to truly engage in health care decisions by all parties. The book will be available on August 15 in both print and ebook options. 

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